BrandMeister blijft de gemoederen bezighouden. Ook Spanje lijkt zich te interesseren voor de nieuwe Mastersoftware. Op SouthGate Amateur Radio News troffen we het volgende bericht aan.
New DMR server Brainmeister BM in Spain
Greetings to all!
A few weeks ago the first server is running in Spain Brandmeister DMR is universal communication server has more features than DMRMaster of DG1HT is.
You can mix different types of centers and networks. Hytera now supports network connections, Motorola and homebrew repeaters, MMDV DMR Plus, SmartPTT, cBridge. It has the functionality of two-way SMS, APRS, bridge and IP gateway D-STAR reflector and private calls connection. and EchoLink using a path to svxlink
Jose Manuel EA8EE