Regelmatig lees ik op de fora dat er onduidelijkheid bestaat over de instellingen die je moet opgeven in het MMDVM.ini bestand. DG9VH heeft hier een uitleg over gegeven waarvan ik denk dat het goed is deze te delen.
Call Sign = G9BF # callsign
Timeout = 180 # RX timeout?
Duplex = 1 # 1: Duplex (Repeater), 0: Simplex (Hotspot)
Fashion slope = 10 # time in seconds that is left after a carrier in the locked mode
Display = None # controls whether the display (see below) is activated
RxFrequency = 435000000 # receiving frequency
TxFrequency = 435000000 # transmission frequency
Power = 1 # transmitter power (only for info purposes, no adjustment possible!)
Latitude = 0.0 # Latitude
Longitude = 0.0 # Longitude
Height = 0 # antenna height
Location = Nowhere # location
Description = multi-mode repeater # Summary
URL = # own website?
# Logging levels, 0 = No logging
Display Level = 1 # controls Loglevel on the console
File Level = 1 # controls Loglevel in the file
FilePath =. # Path where the log file is saved
FileRoot = MMDVM # characters that are preceded by the date “-YYYY-MM-DD”
# Port = / dev / ttyACM0 # port, connected to said MMDVM / DVMEGA module
Port = \\. \ COM3
TXInvert = 1 # inversion of the transmission signal
RXInvert = 0 # inversion of the received signal
PTTInvert = 0 # inversion of the PTT signal
TXDelay = 100 # transmitter lead time in ms.
DMRDelay = 0 #Use this setting if your transmitter has any latency in the audio stages
RxLevel = 50 # level of RX-signal
TXLevel = 50 # level of the TX signal
OscOffset = 0 # frequency offset in ppm of the oscillator
Debug = 0 # Loglevel modem
Enable = 1 # 1: active 0: inactive
Module = C # module of DSTAR hotspot callsign (here G9BF ___ ** C **)
Self Only = 0 # 1: Allows only your call to hotspot use, 0: no check
Enable = 1 # 1: active 0: inactive
Beacons = 1 # 1: active 0: inactive
Id = 123456 # DMR-ID of the hotspot
Color Code = 1 # Color Code, is working on the
Self Only = 0 # 1: Allows only your call to hotspot use, 0: no check
# Prefix = 234,235 # prefixes, which it is permitted to use the Mode
[System Fusion]
Enable = 1 # 1: active 0: inactive
Parrot = 1 # 1: parrot active 0: inactive parrot
[D-Star Network]
Enable = 1 # 1: active 0: inactive
Gateway Address = # address of the server
Gateway Port = 20010 # network port of the server
Local Port = 20011 # network port on the client
Debug = 0 # Loglevel of DSTAR mode
[DMR Network]
Enable = 1 # 1: active 0: inactive
Address = # address of the server
Port = 62031 # network port of the server
# Local = 3350 # network port on the client
Password = PASSWORD # Server password
Slot1 = 1 # 1: Slot 1 active 0: inactive
Slot 2 = 1 # 1: Slot 2 active 0: inactive
Debug = 1 # Loglevel the DMR mode
[System Fusion Network]
Enable = 0 # 1: active 0: inactive
Address = # address of the server
Port = 32768 # network port of the server
Debug = 1 # Loglevel the fusion mode
[TFT Serial]
Port = / dev / ttyAMA0 # port of the TFT module
Brightness = 50 # Brightness
Rows = 2 # Number of lines
Columns = 16 # Number of Columns
# Rs, STRB, d0, d1, d2, d3
Pins = 11,10,0,1,2,3 # pin assignment of the module
Port = / dev / ttyAMA0 # port of the module
Brightness = 50 # Brightness