Repeater Management op het BrandMeister netwerk

Ook aan de “achterkant” van het BrandMeister netwerk wordt hard gewerkt! Het Dashboard team bestaande uit Rudy PD0ZRY en Yentel ON3YH hebben een eerste release vrijgegeven waarop repeater beheerders de instellingen van hun eigen repeater kunnen wijzigen. Hieronder het persbericht en daaronder een voorbeeld.

Allright! It's time for another release!

We've been working on this for the past month and now, we've finally come to the point where we can do a public release!

Master Server Administrators:
You will see a menu called "Repeater Management" in your menu.
There you can edit all repeaters (online or offline) that are connected to your master (or were connected to your master before they went offline).
On the settings page you can add users as a sysop for that repeater.
Please go through all your repeaters and add the corresponding sysops.

Repeater Sysops:
Once the master server administrator has added you as a sysop of your repeater, you will see a "repeater menu" in your menu bar.
There you can manage the BASIC information of your repeater (website, location, latitude, longitude, description, priority description, add other sysops, ect...)
Items like the repeater frequency, callsign, colorcode, ect... are taken from your repeater itself (it sends this information when it connects to the master server).

We hope to add talkgroup management as soon as possible to the repeater dashboard, but for now, please update your repeater profile with the correct information!

Example - ON0OST:

NOTE: you will need to re-login for changes in your menu to appear.
NOTE: if you don't have an account yet: migrate your account from or register there for an account.
NOTE: Translations for the above features will be added to the english files as soon as possible, after which our beloved translators can start translating them in their own language.

We will continue working on new features like adding the configuration of the "reflector resetter" and talkgroup management to your repeater configuration panel. Please understand that we do this as a hobby too and we both have fulltime jobs/school.

If you have any issues, don't hesitate to contact us!
Best 73'
Yentel Hollebeke - ON3YH
Rudy Hardeman - PD0ZRY
Developers of the BrandMeister Dashboard


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