During the worldwise net yesterday the full scale of the new TA feature (Talker Alias) came trought. The callsign and name of the radioamateur, that had filled in his name on the selfcare page on the BrandMeister network, was visible. If you wanna use this feature, and i advise you to do this, go to the selfcare page and fill in your name in the APRS text field. Your callsign is automatically being send by BrandMeister no need to fill this in!
Everytime you push the PTT button BrandMeister will add your callsign and name to the transmission.
On your radio set in “Menu” , “Settings” , “2 Radio Set” . “20 Send Alias” to OFF! BrandMeister will now send your TA not the radio! Your call and name can now be seen all over the world!