Bij een eerste test op PI1AMS leek de software niet goed te werken! Inmiddels werkt de software goed. Wel moet na de installatie de node of repeater weer op digitaal gezet worden want deze raakt ingesteld op analoog. Toch zijn er nog wel problemen met de software. Hieronder een aantal mogelijke oplossingen van Yaesu:
While the vast majority of customers are experiencing a smooth, clean install of v1.2 – a smaller number are not. Those that contact our support department have been getting a checklist, to help narrow down common variables with their computer systems.
In the interest of helping everyone avoid these – here is that list – for you to review in advance of performing your updates/installations. In the spirit of positive Elmering, feel free to distribute this to others and other groups.
Does the WIRES-X software see the HRI-200 serial number?
Have you configured your computer with a static IP address with your router?
Have you tried disabling firewalls on your computer and/or router?
Have you tried disabling your virus scanner?
Have you shut off any other programs accessing the Internet?
Did you open all of the ports on the router as shown in the manual?
Have you tried disconnecting other USB devices from the computer?
Are you physically connected to the router or wireless?
Is the WIRES-X software version 1.12 or newer?
De software vind je hier!