Category Archives: Digital Voice
Remote SDR V2 met Orange Pi
Officiële Release WFView
Hi Friends,
It is my pleasure to announce that the wfview team has completed our first official release of wfview.
wfview is software for controlling modern Icom receivers and transceivers, using either USB or network for the audio and control. This release of wfview is designed to support the following radios:
IC-R8600 (preliminary)
wfview provides the user with data from the radio’s spectrum display. The main tab contains all the basic features most users will need for a QSO or casual listening. Other tabs contain convenient buttons for jumping to various bands or adjusting more detailed parameters of the radio, including the calibration control adjustment on the IC-9700, which can be used in tandem with the waterfall display.
wfview goes beyond simply allowing the user to adjust the radio. wfview enhances the user’s experience, with easy-to-use keystrokes for most tasks and accessibility labels for screen readers. The software even includes a built-in rig server, primarily designed for the IC-7300, which allows other instances of wfview on remote computers to connect in and enjoy fast real-time control and low-latency audio.
wfview supports Linux, Windows, and macOS, and is fully open-source.
Useful links:
User Manual:
Support Forum:
The wfview team wishes to thank all those that contributed test reports and questions about our early releases made over the past month. You’ve been quite helpful!
Future plans include:
Greater support for the IC-R8600
Handy overlays on the spectrum display (frequency markers, passband, etc)
More support for older radios
Improved audio
Additional metering options
Support for dual VFO and dual-scope options
Join our support forum if you wish to follow our progress and learn from the many interesting posts from other users.
Thanks and 73!
–the wfview development team:
Elliot W6EL
Jim PA8E
Phil M0VSE
Roeland PA3MET