mei 07

Einde registratie ID via DMR MARC

Na jaren komt er een einde aan de DMR ID registratie via DMR MARC . Het Europese DMR-ID registratie systeem neemt de registratie over voor de gehele wereld. Ook wordt de database aangepast aan de EGDPR privacy regelgeving. Overbodige data zal worden gewist en bij een nieuwe aanmelding hoeft dit niet meer te worden verstrekt. Een ID in Nederland aanvragen blijft gewoon verlopen via deze link!



The MARC DMR-ID Registration system has been switched off.
The European DMR-ID registration system will take over the registration for all countries of the world.
It is very unlikely that the transition works without any issues. Please let us know whenever things go wrong.

Parallel with the transition of the database we will also do some clean-up during next days, which are required by the European General Data Protection Regulation which will become effective on May 25th.
Please find some first information about data collection, storage, usage and sharing here: Data Protection

The regular approval time should be less than 3 days. If you should not get any confirmation by email, check the list of approvals of last 30 days on the registration page please.
We now have about 30 local admins around the world who will take care for the registrations, changes and questions.
I am happy to have the admin team from the MARC system on board of our system.
Contact information can be found with the contact link on the registration pages.
Please use this helpful and supportive YLs an d OMs for first contact.

Best regards

Hans DL5DI