MMDVM DMR DSTAR Repeater Maker! ** Kit Board Build **
Gehackte firmware installeren MD380
Natuurlijk geheel voor eigen risico maar toch leerzaam! Als je hiermee aan de slag wilt vind je meer informatie op: https://t.co/lcVZXRHSSR https://t.co/Us4O643lJw https://t.co/wBoAORWONS
Wordt het BrandMeister of BrandMeister
Nu de ontwikkeling van DMR+ lijkt te zijn stopgezet en er alleen nog gereageerd wordt op bugs in het systeem is de DMR wereld zich aan het beraden. Uit onderstaande post blijkt van DMRX Experimentation and Discovery haar achterban aan het informeren is over BrandMeister.
Dear Users/SysOps,
It has been a struggle for the past year, trying to get the Germans onboard with us here on the State side. We’ve been unable to have any input with the software. Nothing has been open source.
While the DMR + and other associated products have been essential in the building blocks of our network, it is with the realization that the Brandmeister has far surpassed what we have accomplished within our own network.
As of today, I have been notified by the good folks at PI1SPA (VERON Amersfoort) that Hans and Torston will no longer be working on the Hytera Project DMR+ and will only facilitate bugs when necessary.
This leaves us with only 3 choices.
1. We continue using the network and hope to continue to grow it and hopefully nothing breaks.
2. We move quickly to the Brandmeister Network.
3. We break out our old software and try and develop our own Network again.